[三维动画]《Direct3D游戏开发技术详解》作者:尚晶晶.pdf [67 MB]

[三维动画]《Direct3D游戏开发技术详解》作者:尚晶晶.pdf [67 MB]

  [12]    Timothy Hay, Apple Moves Deeper into Voice-Activated Search with Siri Buy,    Wall Street Journal Blog    , April 28, 2010, ttp://blogs.wsj.com/venturecapital/2010/04/28/apple-moves-deeper-into-voice-activated-search-with-siri-buy/.  

  [13]    Siri Launches Virtual Personal Assistant for iPhone 3GS, SRI International, press release. February 8, 2010, http://www.sri.com/news/releases/020510.html.  

  [14]    Hay, Apple Moves Deeper into Voice-activated Search with Siri Buy.  

  [15]    Jill Duffy, What Is Siri?    PC    , October 17, 2011, http:// www.pcmag.com/article2/0, 2817, 2394787, 00.asp.   jqr-075

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